Thursday, 4 June 2015


We didn't have a honeymoon as we both had to work on Monday morning. Some of the wedding guests came back to our apartment after the dinner where we took a few casual pictures and had some drinks.

So now we were Mr. & Mrs. Ross playing house in our little apartment on St. Joseph's Drive.
We lived at this address until August when we were able to buy our first house on Alton Road in White Pines Survey, Burlington.  

After my Dad died, my mom sold their house on East Avenue and gave us a down payment of $1000 with the understanding that she would stay with us. By the way, the house we bought was  $17,000. A great price as it was repossessed and included all the appliances! 

My mom would stay with us for a while, go to my sister's for a bit, and then to my brother's. She would get restless at our house, and sometimes go to my grandmother's fruit farm in St. David's near Niagara Falls, without telling us. (My grandmother relocated from Czechoslovakia to Canada in 1953). Grandma would call us up on the phone to ask us to come for Vicky. She wandered quite a bit! Everyone took their turns having her, but eventually we had to place her into a nursing home in Milton, Ontario. 

She was in the home when she fell, broke her hip and was bedridden for awhile. Pneumonia set in and one day the staff at the nursing home called to tell us she was in a coma and to come in as soon as we could. When we got to her bedside she awoke, looked up and just moaned in a surprised way and then she was gone. That was the first and last time I have ever seen anyone die!

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